
The most beautiful walks in the Basque Country


Join us for a sporting exploration of the Basque Country! 


  • Duration: 2 hours in all - 200m ascent - suitable for all the family 

Getting there: from Tardets, head towards Larrau on the D26. About 8km after Licq, you'll come to an inn called Logibar (elevation 380m). 50m further on, turn left just after the bridge. Park after a wooden bridge and the power station. If there isn't enough space, return just before the hostel to the large car park in the Holzarte gorge.

- Go right at the end of the car park (signposted "Holzarte 50mn"), this is a variant of the G10, the normal route starts before it (signposted "Sainte Engrace 2h30"). Take the small path that bends to the left. It runs alongside the torrent, crosses a small bridge over a tributary and then climbs steeper. It continues sideways above the gorge. You will reach the confluence of the Holzarté and Olhadubie gorges, and then the footbridge. Return by the same route. 

=> It is possible to extend the walk with a longer loop through the forest after the bridge. The loop starts in Larrau, is 12km long and takes 5hrs 25mins (level: difficult).


Departure from Ascain: the hike starts at an altitude of 145m, at the Carrières car park. An information panel explains the massif, its flora and fauna, and the panorama awaiting hikers at the summit. The ascent takes around 2 hours, and the descent 1h30. The difference in altitude is considerable and the final section is very stony.


  • Duration: approx. 4 hours and altitude difference: positive 18m and negative 607m

Getting there: from the A63 motorway, take exit 1 Irun Hondarribia airport N638, follow signs for Faro de Higuier, park in the car park alongside the campsite. 

- Take the start of the GR121, south-west of the car park, signposted Pasaia 20.6km.
- The path is signposted in red and white and takes you more or less along the coastline. There are many walks in this area with different starting points. You can do the long Jaizkibel loop, climb to the summit of Jaizkibel (543m) or just take the coastal path to Pasaia. The coast is superb and very unspoilt.
- At one of the forks, marked by a totem pole, you can climb to Jaizkibel and shorten the loop. Alternatively, continue along the coastal path towards Pasaia.
- When you reach a fork in the road (6.9km from the start), leave the coastal path and climb up to Jaizkibel on your left.
- Continue uphill until you reach the Gi-3440 road coming from Guadalupe. After climbing it for 400m, cross it and climb back up to the ridge line. On the right, you can see the Jaizkibel antenna and stone towers.
- Pick up the ridge path again and head north-east. You pass a large stele marking the burial place of Mendizabal. Admire the view!
- Once you've enjoyed the view, head back towards Erramotz and pass by its tower.
- After a steep descent down a grassy slope, you come to the Guadalupe hermitage.
- To continue the walk, don't go to the hermitage, but turn left and then right towards the car park, which you will have to walk along (north). The start of the path is tarmac.
- The path begins to descend towards the hillside and becomes a footpath. Follow the signs for "faro".
- fork left to rejoin the coastal path taken on the outward journey.


  • Time: 3 hours in all - 400m ascent 

Getting there: from Bayonne, head towards Hendaye. Go as far as Behobie; at the roundabout, take the direction of Biriatou, which you then follow at all the crossroads. In Biriatou, go past the car parks and turn right into the cul-de-sac (signposted "Chemin d'Aruntz"). Walk along the cemetery and come to a crossroads: turn right (signposted "Mendiko Bidea GR10"); at the next crow's-foot turn right along the small road at the top. You will come to a car park where you can park. 

- Return to the road to take the path that climbs to the left and immediately afterwards the path to the right: the GR10 signposted in red and white. At the concrete water catchment, turn right (wooden sign "Ibardin"). Go through an iron gate. 

- At a crow's-foot, before a high-voltage pylon, take the path on the left and the next crow's-foot, the one on the right which passes at the foot of the pylon (a little rocky at this point). The path climbs steeply, bringing you to another crow's-foot. 

- Leave the path that climbs straight ahead and take the almost level path on the right (old markings and a white arrow on a large oval stone). Follow this long path up the mountainside to the Osin pass (Osinko lepoa 372m), which forms a vast plateau. Walk a little further to see the Lac du Xoldo below and the Rhune, with its antennae, opposite. 

- Retrace your steps as far as the signpost, leave the GR10 and climb to the right along a wide, stony, grassy path marked in orange. You will come to the large round summit (486m) marked by a small monument and a milestone (on the left). Continue in the same direction, sometimes just on a wide grassy track (still marked in orange). The well-marked path then descends steeply towards the rocks, then bends to the right and heads towards a mountain (with a large calvary and a pylon). When you find an orange cross on a stone in the middle of the path, it is to force you to go left via a small parallel deviation and avoid the large slippery slabs. 

- At the wide meadow pass (243m), turn left onto the path that climbs up towards another pylon (white and blue markings). After the pylon, the path descends again, first gently, then straight down towards the pylon you passed on the outward journey. Continue downhill along the same route as before.


  • 600m ascent - approx. 4 hours in all

Getting there: From the village of Hélette, follow the D245, take the D22 to the right and turn left towards Louhossoa on the D119 as far as the Baïgura leisure centre. Park in the car park. 

- Take the path on the right after the car park and follow the yellow signs. At 600m, take the first ascent (with steps and handrail). 

- At the crossroads at around 930m, turn left, cross the road, go past the sheepfold, cross the discovery path and continue straight on. 

- Pass to the right of the rocky outcrop, reach Mount Erregelu and follow the ridge to the right as far as the summit (3450km). For the return journey, return to Mount Erregelu, leave the path used for the ascent and turn right to follow the ridge and then the flank of the southern slope to a small plateau (5580km). 

- Cross over to the north slope via a track on the left, which joins the discovery trail that takes you back to the sheepfold (8km) you came across on the way up, from where you can return to the car park.


How to get there : In Cambo-les-Bains, head towards Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. 8.5km after Cambo, turn left to enter Louhossoa where you head towards Macaye, Mendionde, Bonloc on the D252. In the village of Macaye, two restaurants face each other: Ogibarnia on the right and Claverie on the left. Turn left at the corner of the Claverie restaurant. At the crossroads with rubbish bins, go straight ahead (wooden sign with an engraved shoe and the MTB circuits sign), leaving a small road on the right. At the next two junctions, turn right. At the end of the tarmac road (crossroads with 3 tracks and 2 sheepfolds): turn right. Park on the edge of the track, near the sheepfold. 

- Opposite the sheepfold, leave a track on the right that runs alongside the building and take the track on the left (signposted Idilbidea circuit no. 31), which climbs gently towards another sheepfold. Stay on the main yellow path. There is another sheepfold with a beautiful plane tree and undergrowth (450m), then turn right onto the access track. 

- 400m further on, on a bend to the right, opposite an iron gate, leave the main path which continues straight ahead and take the dirt track which rises to the right. Pass a vague flat area and the path bends to the right towards a small round summit. Then continue in the same direction towards the ridge opposite, with a fence. Pass to the left of the fenced area (spring catchment) and reach the ridge. Go right to reach the summit of Ursuya (678m). Admire the breathtaking view!

- Follow the ridge to the left (when you look south the two high peaks with antennae: Baïgura and Artzamendi). Before the post surrounded by barbed wire, a wide dirt track descends to the right. It follows the axis of the ridge below. Go past a crossroads with signs, continuing in the same direction (direction of the little man with the yellow background and Idilbidea no. 32). 

- The path twists to the right (leaving a path leading to two trees), then twists a second time: don't go downhill, go straight ahead, above a plantation of trees. You will come to a sheepfold: take the grassy path down between 2 fences. At a second sheepfold and a small house, go down the grass track on the left until you reach a wide gravel track (tarmacked in places) which you take on the right. 

- At the crossroads with several tracks, continue along the leftmost track. You will come to a new sheepfold and the protohistoric enclosure (rectangular elevation in a meadow: 437m). The main track bends right: go left on a dirt track (yellow Idilbidea circuit sign no. 33). Leave a track that descends to the left at the bottom of the valley. 

- Join another track which you take to the right (yellow sign: you are going in the opposite direction to the little man). It continues sideways through woods towards two beautiful sheepfolds and a tarmac road: continue straight ahead. The road becomes a track and you arrive at the original sheepfold.

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